
Watch Leaked Video of Trey Songz Spitting on Women Goes Viral

Watch Leaked Video of Trey Songz Spitting on Women Goes Viral
Watch Leaked Video of Trey Songz Spitting on Women Goes Viral

A leaked video of famous singer Trey Songz spitting on two women has gained attention on social media.

Many people were shocked after watching the video where Songz can be seen shirtless, while the women kneel in front of him.
Their behavior seemed to indicate that they were enjoying the singer spitting on them.
Although it’s unclear when this occurred, some people were outraged because if it happened recently Songz might be spreading COVID-19.
One Twitter user said: “Why did I click on that Trey Songz video?! Instantly covered my eyes while screaming and gagging. I did not need a visual for Walls. My eyes… [sic].”
“I really regret looking up why ppl are talking about Trey Songz on the TL rn [sic],” added another.
“Them two girls really sharing spit w trey songz in the middle of a panhandle?? [sic]” a third person wrote.
Someone else commented, “Trey Songz, sir we are in the middle of a pan con leche what was that [sic].”

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