
Is Madeleine McCann Found – I am Madeleine McCann Instagram Video Goes Viral on TikTok Twitter

Is Madeleine McCann Found – I am Madeleine McCann Instagram Video Goes Viral on TikTok Twitter
Is Madeleine McCann Found – I am Madeleine McCann Instagram Video Goes Viral on TikTok Twitter

Here we go again, a girl’s going viral on TikTok because she thinks she’s Madeleine McCann

Here we go again, a girl’s going viral on TikTok because she thinks she’s Madeleine McCannYet again, a girl is going viral on TikTok because she thinks she’s missing child,

Madeleine McCann. Madeleine went missing in Portugal in 2007, and since then loads of girls have gone online and said they think they could be her.

Last night, another young girl went on Instagram and did a live showing “evidence” of how she thinks she could be the missing girl, and people are saying that she wants the police to investigate.In the video,

which is now being shared on TikTok, the girl says she is 21-years-old but isn’t sure of her real identity or age. She claims she has similar spots on her body to Madeleine, who had a spot on her leg.

The girl shows the marks on her body in the video, which has now been viewed nearly a million times.In the video she is clearly reading out questions as they come in on the live, and she is asked when she first started thinking she might have been Madeleine McCann.

A few months ago,” she says. “It was something that I heard from my grandma.” She goes on to say she tried to get a copy of her birth certificate, but she could only get told information about herself over the phone.

At the end of the TikTok video, it urges people to go to the Instagram account of the girl in question – which is.

The profile currently has over 15k followers, and the bio reads: “Help me, I need to talk with Kate and Gerry McCann I think I can be Madeleine. I need DNA test.

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