
The justification for why Professor Kim Byung Gun changed his mind and advised ‘Extraordinary Attorney Woo’

Early childhood special education Professor Kim Byung Gun of Korea Nazarene University candidly shared his thoughts when he first saw the script of ‘Extraordinary Attorney Woo‘.

During a KBS radio program broadcast on July 22nd, Professor Kim Byung Gun shared how he became a part of making the hit drama series. He candidly shared he was reluctant to advise the drama series at first. “It was because it’s taken for granted if you describe autism well while it would face much social backlash if you don’t describe it well,” said the professor.

It was only after reading the script of the series he changed his mind. He thought the drama could help make autism seem more familiar and non-threatening to the general public who currently don’t have much understanding of the topic after reading the script. As a result, he decided to work with screenwriter Moon Ji Won.

However, he faced another difficulty in developing a Woo Young Woo’s character. He said, “I gave much consideration whether we should portray the character as dramatically or realistically.” 

He continued, “I thought autistic characters in existing movies and dramas have stereotyped autism. For example, they were painted as someone who needs help and had countless inconveniences. I believe a lot of those kinds of things were highlighted.” 

After much consideration, Professor Kim Byung Gun put great effort into showing different aspects of autism spectrum disorder, unlike the autism spectrum characteristics commonly depicted in artworks.

Professor Kim Byung Gun emphasized, “Change in social perspective is more important than institutional support (for autism spectrum disorder). We have to look at each other when we are approaching and we must have an understanding of what being ‘different’ is before anything else to make this possible.”

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